Micro:bits and Node-Red

BBC Micro Bit, (micro:bit) is an open source hardware ARM-based embedded system designed by the BBC for use in computer education in the UK. The device is half the size of a credit card and has an ARM Cortex-M0 processor, accelerometer and magnetometer sensors, Bluetooth and USB connectivity, a display consisting of 25 LEDs, and two programmable button.

Depending on where you purchase it the price ranges between $15-$20. So this is a very attractive module for the beginning programmer.

The micro:bit module has 2 buttons to interface to it and a small 5×5 LED screen. This is good for small tests but its a little limiting.

For the most part micro:bit is a standalone unit so in this blog I wanted to show how to put micro:bits information on to a Node-Red web dashboard that could be viewed from a smart phone, tablet or PC.


Micro:bits Setup

The micro:bits has a USB connection that can be used for communications to PCs or Raspberry Pi’s. For my setup I used a Raspberry Pi Zero W, with a microUSB-to-USB adapter to connect into the micro:bit.


The micro:bit can be programmed via a nice Web Interface, for details see: https://microbit.org/guide/quick/. For this application I programmed with blocks.

My logic had the temperature and light sensor values written out ever 10 seconds, in the format of: T=xxx, L=xxx, I used a comma separator between the data pieces. Button presses were sent as either A=1, or B=1, .


Node-Red Setup

Node-Red is pre-install on the Raspberry Pi image, if you want to use a PC instead see the Node-Red installation documentation.

A Node-Red has a Serial port component (https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-node-serialport) that can be loaded manually or via the Palette Manager.

The first step is to insert a serial input node and define the serial interface. Double-click on the serial input node and edit the serial connection. The interface will vary with your setup but node-red will show a list of possible USB ports. The default baud rate of the micro:bits USB port is 115200. I used a timeout of 200ms to get the messages, but you could also look for a terminating character (the comma “,” could be used).


The logic used 4 Javascript function nodes to parse the micro:bit message


“Get Temp Value” Function:

// Pull out the temperature
var themsg = msg.payload;

if (themsg.indexOf("T=") > -1) {

var msgitems = themsg.split(",");

var temp = msgitems[0];
temp = temp.substring(2,4)
msg.payload = temp;
return msg;

“Get Light Value” Function:

// Pull out the Light Sensor Value
var themsg = msg.payload;

if (themsg.indexOf("T=") > -1) {

var msgitems = themsg.split(",");

var light = msgitems[1];

light = light.substring(2,5)

msg.payload = light;

return msg;


“Check Button A” Function:

// If the message is Button A pressed
// "A=1,"
if (msg.payload == "A=1,") {
msg.payload =  1;
return msg;

“Check Button B” Function:

// If the message is Button B pressed
// "B=1,"
if (msg.payload == "B=1,") {
msg.payload =  1;
return msg;

Chart nodes are used to show the results. (Note: you’ll need to create a dashboard name).

For the button presses a 1-0 transition is needed after a button press, otherwise the chart will always show a value of 1. The 0-1 transition is done using a trigger node.

The final web dashboard is available at: http://your_node_red_ip:1880/UI.


Final Comments

The next step will be to add the ability to have Node-Red write values to the micro:bit. This would be done with the Node-Red serial output node. Micro:bit’s have a serial read function that would then process the command.

2 thoughts on “Micro:bits and Node-Red

  1. Hey, thanks for this so much it has been fantastic. Given I am learning node red and microbit as I do this, can I just quickly confirm that the > in the light function call is not a typo, node red does not like it at all. I can only get the temp settings to work atm. I can get all the microbit data from the weather bit to the raspberry pi but I cant get it to node red. If i were to add another 9 sensor readings, can I grab a hint on the way the functions are written… say if you confirm light and maybe help with an example for pressure? then fx I will be able to see the trend and figure it out. Thanks again so much for this tutorail ther simply seems to be so little information on micro bit and serial output anywhere on the net.


  2. Hi Ronni,

    Thanks for catching the light value function typo. WordPress unfortunately will do funky things on the paste into HTML (the and > ). The function should read:

    // Pull out the Light Sensor Value
    var themsg = msg.payload;
    if (themsg.indexOf(“T=”) > -1) {

    var msgitems = themsg.split(“,”);

    var light = msgitems[1];

    light = light.substring(2,5)

    msg.payload = light;

    return msg;


    I’m travelling for a couple of days. Let me email with some thoughts.



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